Formation of political will: Part 1
(These texts are incidentally the attempt to get the keyword combination "political will formation" with "Holistic SEO" on the first Google page, which obviously did not succeed. But we are on the first Google-, Bing- or Ecosia-page with the keyword-combination Neuro-Dating :-) @Google: @Bing: That's not intelligent what your algorithms are doing :-).
According to Neuropolitics, the process of political will formation takes place in the subconscious and eludes conscious interrogation. When making decisions about actions, purchases, or elections, we at least feel like we are weighing completely consciously and then freely deciding which option to turn into an action. Although we already know today that many deliberations and decisions do not even reach consciousness, it is enough for us to think that we supposedly could have decided differently. We are not aware of the determinacy of our decision.
Political will formation
When it comes to the formation of political will or the formation of an individual world view, we can imagine that the subconscious plays a much greater role. The idea that I am now consciously working on my political attitude is probably foreign to most people. The processes of political will formation, such as genetic disposition, parental influence, environment as well as processing of self-made experiences, run almost completely in the subconscious and therefore we also have no conscious access to it.
Opinion research by questionnaire is a relic from the last millennium
For all opinion research institutes, this means that these processes cannot be elicited by questionnaire. Because: Even if people construct an answer to almost every question, in reality they have no idea why they think this way or that way, why they classify themselves on the left or the right, why they act conservatively or liberally.
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Political decision-making at Wikipedia
Political decision-making at the Federal Agency for Civic Education
Political decision-making at Brockhaus
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